Almonte Area Time Trial Series - 2019-Sep-24 - 15km (Clayton Rd.) (EvtFactor= 0.9117)
Ottawa Weather (18:00): Mostly Cloudy. Temperature: 15.0°C, Wind: NNW 14 gust 27km/h, Relative humidity: 66%, Dew point: 9°C, Pressure: 101.1kPa, Visibility: 24km.
Ottawa Weather (19:00): Mostly Cloudy. Temperature: 14.9°C, Wind: WNW 14km/h, Relative humidity: 69%, Dew point: 9°C, Pressure: 101.1kPa, Visibility: 24km.
Ottawa Weather (20:00): Partly Cloudy. Temperature: 13.9°C, Wind: W 12km/h, Relative humidity: 79%, Dew point: 10°C, Pressure: 101.1kPa, Visibility: 24km.
Cool temperatures, a diagonal headwind for the return leg, overcast skies, fading sunlight and subdued, while magnificent fall colours greeted the two riders who presented to the 15 km Almonte Area Time Trial course, Tuesday, September 24, 2019. Marshalling was again handled stoically by the pylon triplets and signage twins, who exerted sufficient effect on passing motorists to yield the riders ample lane room and clearance for the turn around. Celia McInnis registered another epic warmup ride in the 110+ km range. Extra clothing to counter the cool evening air is accepting responsibility for slower times compared to last week.
Tonight’s ride was the last scheduled 15 km Almonte Area Time trial for the 2019 season. Timer Tom Kemp is willing to entertain requests for one additional 15 km time trial on the usual course during the afternoon daylight of Sunday, October 6th. An RSVP(s) will prompt setting a registration time. No RSVP’s would equate to no time trial.
Riders returning to the Union Hall following this evening’s event were treated to a close encounter with a dusk lit dashing deer. Roadies and roasters be wary.
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Thanks to our Helpers: Tom Kemp oversaw the starts, finishes, timing and results.