Almonte Area Time Trial Series - 2019-Sep-08 - 40km (Franktown - CR10) (EvtFactor= 0.9566)
Ottawa Weather (08:00): Partly Cloudy. Temperature: 11.8°C, Wind: W 13km/h, Relative humidity: 93%, Dew point: 11°C, Pressure: 101.6kPa, Visibility: 24km.
Ottawa Weather (9:00): Partly Cloudy. Temperature: 13.2°C, Wind: WNW 15km/h, Relative humidity: 86%, Dew point: 11°C, Pressure: 101.7kPa, Visibility: 24km.
Ottawa Weather (10:00): Partly Cloudy. Temperature: 15.3°C, Wind: WNW 21km/h, Relative humidity: 71%, Dew point: 10°C, Pressure: 101.8kPa, Visibility: 24km.
A cool cloudy morning made things tough for the eaarly starters and a northerly crosswind did not make for an easy return. Nonetheless this the final 40 of the season yielded a good crop of sub hour rides and a number of seasonal bests including that of the race leader, Aaron Fillion. Aaron finished over 3 minutes clear of second finisher, Mike Nash. Today's event was graced by the best female showing of the season, led by Jazmine Lavergne, who emerged over a minute clear of second placed Erika Revesz.
The annual Awards Banquet will take place at Union Hall on Friday, October, 25th at 6pm Tickets will be available, closer to the date from Les Humphreys.
| |
Y | | 1 |
Fillion, Aaron  |
50:30 |
47.525 |
1/19 |
U50M |
1/3 |
1.0150 |
| | 2 |
Nash, Michael  |
53:38 |
44.748 |
2/19 |
U60M |
1/7 |
0.9490 |
Y | | 3 |
Katz, Joel  |
54:42 |
43.876 |
3/19 |
U70M |
1/3 |
| | 4 |
Pérès, Erwan |
56:38 |
42.378 |
4/19 |
U60M |
2/7 |
0.9380 |
| | 5 |
Burge, Craig  |
57:04 |
42.056 |
5/19 |
U60M |
3/7 |
1.1180 |
| | 6 |
Martins, Alex |
613 |
57:44 |
41.570 |
6/19 |
U50M |
2/3 |
| | 7 |
Page, Graham |
58:39 |
40.921 |
7/19 |
U40M |
1/1 |
1.0100 |
| | 8 |
Burge, Larry  |
58:56 |
40.724 |
8/19 |
U60M |
4/7 |
1.0410 |
| | 9 |
Smithson, Scott |
1:04:14 |
37.364 |
9/19 |
U60M |
5/7 |
0.9960 |
A | | 10 |
Lavergne, Jazmine |
1:05:20 |
36.735 |
10/19 |
U17F |
1/1 |
Y | | 11 |
Revesz, Erika  |
1:07:02 |
35.803 |
11/19 |
U70F |
1/1 |
| | 12 |
Miller, Mark  |
1:07:21 |
35.635 |
12/19 |
U60M |
6/7 |
1.1330 |
| | 13 |
Hinz, Richard |
1:07:25 |
35.600 |
13/19 |
U70M |
2/3 |
0.9400 |
| | 14 |
Gilchrist, Ryan  |
1:07:37 |
35.494 |
14/19 |
U60M |
7/7 |
1.1100 |
| | 15 |
Markel, Dan |
1:07:42 |
35.451 |
15/19 |
U50M |
3/3 |
Y | | 16 |
Marleau, Dianne  |
1:08:01 |
35.285 |
16/19 |
U60F |
1/2 |
| | 17 |
Imbrogno, Giorgio  |
1:14:28 |
32.229 |
17/19 |
U80M |
1/1 |
0.9470 |
| | 18 |
Austen, Ian  |
1:14:31 |
32.208 |
18/19 |
U70M |
3/3 |
1.0720 |
| | 19 |
Levi, Cheryl |
1:16:10 |
31.510 |
19/19 |
U60F |
2/2 |
0.8790 |
| Average Speed of all of the above 19 finishes (760km in 20:07:42): | 37.758 | |
>>> | Average of the Average Speeds for these 19 finishes | 38.269 | <<< | |
The number of data records shown above is 19
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Thanks to our Helpers: Timekeeper, Les Humphreys was assisted by Manon Lapointe & Jacques Morvan at the start and by Dave Dickson at the turn.