Almonte Area Time Trial Series - 2019-Jun-18 - 15km (Clayton Rd.) (EvtFactor= 0.928)
Ottawa Weather (18:00): Partly Cloudy. Temperature: 25.9°C, Wind: ENE 8km/h, Humidex: 27, Relative humidity: 35%, Dew point: 10°C, Pressure: 101.1kPa, Visibility: 24km.
Ottawa Weather (19:00): Partly Cloudy. Temperature: 24.8°C, Wind: E 9km/h, Humidex: 27, Relative humidity: 47%, Dew point: 13°C, Pressure: 101.1kPa, Visibility: 24km.
Ottawa Weather (20:00): Partly Cloudy. Temperature: 22.7°C, Wind: E 9km/h, Humidex: 26, Relative humidity: 57%, Dew point: 14°C, Pressure: 101.1kPa, Visibility: 24km.
Best turn out to date, 5 riders showed up under sunny skies, still air and warm temperatures to record seasonal bests all round.
The number of data records shown above is 5
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Thanks to our Helpers: Timekeeper : Les Humphreys, turn : Scott Smithson