OBC Women's TT Series - 2019-Jul-16 - 15km (Rockliffe Pkwy) (EvtFactor= 0.8657)
Ottawa Weather (18:00): Partly Cloudy. Temperature: 29.6°C, Wind: WSW 18 gust 29km/h, Humidex: 38, Relative humidity: 59%, Dew point: 21°C, Pressure: 101.0kPa, Visibility: 24km.
Ottawa Weather (19:00): Partly Cloudy. Temperature: 30.1°C, Wind: WSW 24km/h, Humidex: 37, Relative humidity: 51%, Dew point: 19°C, Pressure: 101.0kPa, Visibility: 24km.
Ottawa Weather (20:00): Partly Cloudy. Temperature: 28.5°C, Wind: SW 13km/h, Humidex: 36, Relative humidity: 59%, Dew point: 20°C, Pressure: 101.0kPa, Visibility: 24km.
Thanks go to Morley Dore for doing the turn-around and taking photos there and elsewhere. Many thanks as well to Jim Glover and Nic Dery for handling the start and finish of the event.
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Thanks to our Helpers: Nicolas Dery, Morley Dore, Jim Glover, Celia McInnis