OBC Open TT Series - 2019-Jul-11 (Cancelled - Lightning) - 15km (Rockliffe Pkwy)
Ottawa Weather (18:00): Thunderstorm with light rainshowers. Temperature: 19.5°C, Wind: SW 5km/h, Humidex: *, Relative humidity: 94%, Dew point: 19°C, Pressure: 100.6kPa, Visibility: 24km.
Ottawa Weather (19:00): Mostly Cloudy. Temperature: 19.6°C, Wind: ESE 8km/h, Humidex: *, Relative humidity: 95%, Dew point: 19°C, Pressure: 100.6kPa, Visibility: 24km.
Ottawa Weather (20:00): Mostly Cloudy. Temperature: 20.3°C, Wind: ESE 9km/h, Humidex: 27, Relative humidity: 93%, Dew point: 19°C, Pressure: 100.5kPa, Visibility: 24km.
There was rain/thunder/lightning downtown, so I kept in the vicinity of the "Music and Beyond" concerts rather than venturing out to the Aviation Museum to see if the TT was going to happen.
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