Almonte Area Time Trial Series - 2019-Aug-06 - 15km (Clayton Rd.) (EvtFactor= 0.9636)
Ottawa Weather (18:00): Mostly Cloudy. Temperature: 21.3°C, Wind: S 8km/h, Humidex: 29, Relative humidity: 90%, Dew point: 20°C, Pressure: 100.7kPa, Visibility: 24km.
Ottawa Weather (19:00): Mostly Cloudy. Temperature: 21.1°C, Wind: S 5km/h, Humidex: 28, Relative humidity: 92%, Dew point: 20°C, Pressure: 100.7kPa, Visibility: 24km.
Ottawa Weather (20:00): Mostly Cloudy. Temperature: 20.7°C, Wind: SE 6km/h, Humidex: 28, Relative humidity: 95%, Dew point: 20°C, Pressure: 100.7kPa, Visibility: 24km.
Under cloudy skies, 2 riders showed up for timekeeper Mark Miller. A light easterly attending the occasion yielded good results for both riders.
The fourth 40k of the season takes place this Sunday, Aug 25th at the Franktown Christian Academy. Registration takes place at 7:45 am with first rider off at 8:31. For seeding purposes early registration by phone/email is preferred. Help is required at the start and turn. Email or call Les Humphreys at 613-256-2498.
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Thanks to our Helpers: Timekeeper : Mark Miller, turn: Scott Smithson